5 Most Overrated Cities in the World.

Over-hyped or under-valued?
There are plenty of travel destinations around the world that are worth a long flight or a little splurge.
But there are also the undying favorites of any traveler that simply don’t deserve their accolades.
Here are 5 of the most overrated cities in the world that maybe shouldn’t be so high up on your bucket list.
1.Paris, France

Paris is best known for ‘The city of love’ and its Eiffel Tower, culture, and architecture, and for being a romantic and meaningful place to getaway.
However, Paris is reputed to be overrated, so I am going to list out the startling facts about this exceptionally famous French metropolis.
Paris does have a variety of most famous human artifacts to appreciate or places to check out that are of historic or cultural fame and significance.
Besides, Paris even has its own Disneyland.
While seen as romantic and a place of love, Paris, in fact, might ironically be defined as a place to get lonely.
Why? There is much to appreciate architecturally and in the form of art and culture but Paris is well known as a place where politeness does not constitute the highest priority in everyday life.
Hence, you will meet a lot of rude people and might potentially caught up in an unintentional fight.
2.Phuket, Thailand

Phuket, Thailand’s largest island.
There are approximately 8.4 million visitors passed through the island’s airport in 2017.
November to March is the high season to travel which means you are very likely to be sharing the beach with tons of other tourists, and while this may improve if you go during low season, but you will most likely be dealing with more rain at that time of year.

Also, according to a survey, trash and water quality is a huge issue for Phuket’s beaches, and that means that they might not be the dream paradise you were hoping for.
3.New York City, United States

Ah, the Big Apple as many of us know.
The one great place to visit as most of us put this on the top of our bucket list.
Whenever people talk about going over to the United States, New York City is one of the primary destinations they recommend and while we can understand why, your high expectations could easily be ruined by a number of factors such as the rude people, unpleasant alleys, and the busy nature of the streets and the main tourist attractions.
It is okay to visit but make sure you are well prepared so that you are able to avoid common tourist traps.
4.Cairo, Egypt

What is the first thing you thought of when someone says Egypt?
Mummy? Pyramids?
As much as we love the idea of exploring the pyramids, that just isn’t enough for us.
The country of Egypt as a whole always did come across as a little bit sketchy, and Cairo is the kind of place that will make us feel uneasy.
The nature of tourism boards that we are bound to hear all about why going to see the pyramids is such a reinvigorating experience, it is actually.
But, there is a little bit more than that.
You might also be experiencing some never-ending hassling from sellers and the constant staring form everyone around the pyramids.
It can be really exhausting.
5.Marrakesh, Morocco

Morocco, located in Africa, one of the most accessible countries in comparison to many others in Europe.
Marrakesh is a really popular destination for folks to visit for their labyrinthine alleyways of its medina.
Some think it is a dream getaway and you will probably let your guard down as a result, which is the biggest mistake you could make.
Marrakesh has become a victim of its own success and is suffering from over-tourism.
A record two million people visited in 2017 – outnumbering locals by nearly two to one and taking away from the medina’s authenticity.
Besides, dealers on the street will invariably try to sell you some, but buyer beware.
Despite the appearance and what some locals may tell you, hashish is still illegal in Morocco and Moroccan police are not known for their light-handed touch.
I hope you have got something from reading this piece and think about your travel bucket list.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying you can’t travel to these places but make sure you are well aware of these places’ risk and the bad surprises you might want to avoid.
Happy traveling!